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butcher someone in the business of selling meat. [6 definitions]
butler a man employed in a household as head servant.
butt1 the larger or sturdier end of something. [2 definitions]
butt2 a person, group, or thing that is the target of ridicule or criticism. [5 definitions]
butt3 to hit or push with the head or horns. [3 definitions]
butte a steep hill or mountain, usu. with a flat top, that stands alone on flat land. (See mesa.)
butter a solid fat made by churning cream, used for cooking and spreading on bread. [3 definitions]
buttercup any of a number of related plants, many of which have shiny yellow flowers.
butterfat the fat of milk, from which butter is made.
butterfly any of a large group of insects closely related to the moths, with large, often brightly colored wings. [5 definitions]
buttermilk a sour liquid residue of butter-making, used as a drink or in cooking. [2 definitions]
butternut a deciduous tree of North America, related to the walnut. [2 definitions]
butterscotch a flavoring or candy prepared from butter, brown sugar, and other ingredients. [2 definitions]
butter up (informal) to praise or act very nicely toward (someone), sometimes insincerely, in hopes of gaining something from that person.
buttock (usu. pl.) either of the rounded, fleshy parts of the human body behind the pelvis. [2 definitions]
button any of various small, usually round, fasteners which are attached to a garment and designed to slide through a slit or loop. They may also be used purely for decoration. [7 definitions]
buttonhole a small slit in a garment through which a button can be fastened. [3 definitions]
buttress a structure that gives support to the outside of a building by absorbing excessive outward thrust. [4 definitions]
buy to obtain in exchange for money; purchase. [7 definitions]
buyer one who buys. [2 definitions]
buzz a vibrating hum or murmur. [8 definitions]