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camphor a whitish, strong-smelling compound extracted from camphor trees or synthesized, and used in plastics, insect repellents, and medications.
camping the activity of staying for a while in a tent or other temporary outdoor shelter for the purpose of recreation or to save money on accommodation while traveling.
campsite a place where one sets up camp, usually within a campground. [2 definitions]
campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
can1 to have the ability to. [4 definitions]
can2 a commercial metal container, often cylindrical, for food or other products. [8 definitions]
Canada a North American country stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific north of the United States.
Canada Day a Canadian legal holiday on July 1, celebrating the anniversary of the formation of the Dominion in 1867; formerly Dominion Day.
Canadian of or pertaining to Canada or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
canal a man-made waterway for transportation or irrigation. [3 definitions]
canary a small greenish to yellow finch native to the Canary Islands, often kept as a singing cage bird. [3 definitions]
cancel to do away with, nullify, or eliminate, as an appointment or reservation. [5 definitions]
cancer any of various diseases characterized by malignant tumors or other tissue degeneration that can spread locally or through the lymph or blood systems. [5 definitions]
candidate a person, esp. a politician, who seeks to be elected or appointed to a certain position. [2 definitions]
candle a cylindrical stick of wax or waxlike substance enclosing a wick and burned to give light. [4 definitions]
candlestick a holder with sockets or spikes for one or more candles.
candy a confection made with sugar or other sweetener, usu. with flavorings such as chocolate or peppermint and fillings such as nuts. [5 definitions]
candy bar a sweet in the form of a bar, often made of chocolate or of chocolate along with other ingredients such as caramel, nougat, nuts, and the like, eaten as a snack.
cane a wooden or metal stick, usu. with a handle, used for support in walking; walking stick. [7 definitions]
canine of, related to, or similar to dogs, foxes, and wolves. [4 definitions]
Canis Major a winter constellation in the northern sky, located below Monoceros and containing the brightest of all stars, Sirius; Big Dog.