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carnation any of various flowers related to the pink, with fragrant, fringed flowers of various colors, esp. red, white, and pink.
carnival a traveling commercial amusement show, usu. offering rides, games of chance, and sideshows. [2 definitions]
carnivore a flesh-eating animal, esp. a meat-eating mammal. (Cf. herbivore.) [2 definitions]
carnivorous flesh-eating. (Cf. herbivorous.) [2 definitions]
carob a tree of the eastern Mediterranean that bears long flat pods containing a sweet pulp and hard seeds. [2 definitions]
carol a song of joy, esp. a Christmas hymn. [4 definitions]
carpenter one who constructs or repairs wooden objects or structures. [3 definitions]
carpet a heavy fabric covering for floors, often used to cover the floors of entire rooms. (Cf. rug.) [3 definitions]
carpool an arrangement among a group of automobile drivers, such as employees at the same workplace, to take turns driving each other to and from a common destination. [3 definitions]
carriage a wheeled passenger vehicle that is covered or enclosed, especially one that is drawn by a horse or horses or by a train engine, or one that is pushed along by a person. [5 definitions]
carrier one who carries or delivers. [6 definitions]
carrot a plant cultivated for its edible orange root. [3 definitions]
carry to bear or support while moving; transport. [16 definitions]
carry away to cause an extreme reaction; transport; enrapture.
carry off to do successfully. [2 definitions]
carry on to persist or persevere. [4 definitions]
carry out to go through the steps of (something) and bring to completion; do (a task, experiment, study, or the like). [3 definitions]
carry weight to have influence, importance, or authority.
carsick suffering from motion sickness during car travel.
cart a heavy, two-wheeled, open vehicle drawn by horse, mule, or oxen and used to transport goods. [6 definitions]
cartilage a tough, white, elastic connective tissue forming a major component of the skeletons of fetuses and young vertebrates, and turning largely to bone as the organism matures. [2 definitions]