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casserole a dish, often deep and covered, in which food can be baked and served. [3 definitions]
cassette a compact case for film, or audio or video tape, used to facilitate leading a camera or recorder.
cast to throw or fling. [18 definitions]
castanet one of a pair of slightly concave wooden or ivory instruments, held in the hand and clicked together to provide rhythmic accompaniment, esp. to certain Spanish dances.
cast iron an alloy of iron, carbon, silicon, and other elements that ranges from hard and brittle to soft and strong depending on its composition.
castle a large, fortified residence of nobles in feudal times, sited to dominate the surrounding countryside. [6 definitions]
casual occurring by chance; unplanned; accidental. [6 definitions]
casualty a member of the armed forces removed from active duty as a result of being killed, wounded, captured, or missing in action. [5 definitions]
cat1 a small carnivorous furry mammal, usu. kept as a pet or to catch mice and rats. [4 definitions]
catalog a systematic, usu. annotated, list of book titles, items on display, merchandise, or the like that is available in or from a source such as a library, retail store, or mail order merchandiser. [5 definitions]
catamaran a boat, usu. a sailboat, with parallel twin hulls.
catapult an ancient military machine used to hurl missiles such as large stones, esp. at fortifications. [5 definitions]
cataract a large waterfall. [3 definitions]
catastrophe a calamity with widespread effects; disaster. [3 definitions]
catastrophic causing destruction, devastation, or very great distress; ruinous; disastrous. [2 definitions]
catbird a dark gray North American songbird having one call that sounds like the mewing of a cat.
catch to capture or grab, usu. after pursuit. [18 definitions]
catcher one that catches. [2 definitions]
catch fire to start to burn.
catching tending to infect or be taken up by another. [2 definitions]
catch someone's eye to get the attention of someone.