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category a specific class or group in a classification system.
cater to supply food, service, or entertainment, esp. off the main business premises. [3 definitions]
caterpillar a butterfly or moth larva, resembling a worm and often brightly colored. [2 definitions]
catfish any of several chiefly freshwater fish with large heads, long feelers around the mouth resembling a cat's whiskers, and no scales.
cathedral the principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing his official throne. [5 definitions]
catholic all-encompassing or wide-ranging. [3 definitions]
CAT scan a cross-sectional image formed by a computerized combination of x-rays taken along a selected axis of the body, used as a diagnostic tool in medical treatment; computerized axial tomography scan.
catsup a variant of ketchup.
cattail any of several tall, reedlike marsh plants with tiny brown flowers growing in dense rows on a cylindrical spike.
cattle large, four-legged, plant-eating animals, including cows, bulls, and other domestic bovines, kept for milk or meat.
cattleman a person, such as a rancher or farmer, who tends, feeds, or raises cattle, esp. for the market.
caught past tense and past participle of catch.
cauldron a round metal pot that is hung or placed over a fire, used for boiling liquids.
cauliflower a cultivated vegetable related to cabbage that bears a large, dense head of edible, crunchy, usu. white flowers.
caulk to seal against leakage of water or air, esp. by filling in cracks, as in the seams of a boat or the joints of a pipe.
cause something or someone that produces a result or effect. [5 definitions]
causeway a raised road or walkway across water or wetlands.
caution attentiveness and prudence; wariness. [5 definitions]
cautious displaying or inclined to show caution; wary; careful.
cavalry troops mounted on horseback or in armored carriers or helicopters, or the branch of military service composed of such troops.
cave a natural hollow or series of hollows in the earth, esp. one with an opening in a hillside or cliff. [4 definitions]