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chili the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant. [3 definitions]
chili pepper the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant; chili.
chill coldness or cooling off. [16 definitions]
chilly producing an uncomfortably cool sensation. [4 definitions]
chime a ringing device, as in a doorbell. [8 definitions]
chime in to interrupt suddenly to add one's opinion. [2 definitions]
chimney a hollow, vertical structure of masonry, which allows smoke and gases to escape from a furnace, fireplace, or stove; flue. [2 definitions]
chimp (informal) a chimpanzee.
chimpanzee a highly intelligent African species of ape, closely related to humans and smaller than the gorilla.
chin the central, protruding part of the jaw below the mouth. [3 definitions]
China a large, populous East Asian country on the Pacific coast; People's Republic of China. [2 definitions]
china delicate, high-quality ceramic material or ware; porcelain. [2 definitions]
China Sea see "East China Sea," "South China Sea."
chinchilla a small South American rodent that resembles a squirrel. [4 definitions]
Chinese a native or citizen of China, or a descendant thereof. [4 definitions]
chink1 a narrow crack; crevice; fissure. [3 definitions]
chink2 to make or cause to make a sharp, chimelike sound, as of two pieces of metal or glass striking together. [2 definitions]
chip1 a small piece broken, cut, or chopped off of a hard material. [10 definitions]
chip in to contribute money or effort. [2 definitions]
chipmunk a small, squirrel-like rodent with a striped back and bushy tail, found in North America and Asia.
chip off the old block one who is very similar to one of his or her parents.