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churn an apparatus in which cream or milk is beaten or agitated to form butter. [6 definitions]
chute1 a sloped trough or channel down which things may slide in order to transport them. [4 definitions]
cicada any of various large insects characterized by thin membranous wings and a shrill noise emitted by the male.
cider the juice pressed out of apples, used for drinking and for making vinegar.
cigar a slender, tight roll of cured tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
cigarette a short, narrow tube of thin paper containing finely cut, cured tobacco for smoking.
cinder a small piece of partially burned wood, coal, or the like that can burn further but without a flame. [4 definitions]
cinema motion pictures generally. [3 definitions]
cinnamon a spice made from the inner bark of any of several tropical Asian trees. [2 definitions]
circle a closed curve along which every point is the same distance from a fixed center point. [8 definitions]
circuit a usu. circular line or route around an enclosed area. [8 definitions]
circuit breaker a switch or other device that automatically interrupts the electric current when a circuit is overloaded or extremely stressed in another way.
circular having the shape of a circle; round. [5 definitions]
circulate to move or flow continuously along a closed path or system. [4 definitions]
circulation motion in a circle or along a circuit. [4 definitions]
circulatory of or pertaining to circulation. [2 definitions]
circulatory system a system in the body made up of the heart, blood vessels, blood, and lymph vessels that carries blood and lymph around the body.
circumference the outer boundary of a circle or other curvilinear figure or area; perimeter. [2 definitions]
circumstance an occurrence or fact associated with or having an impact on an event or situation. [6 definitions]
circus a traveling show that usually includes performances by acrobats and clowns, and sometimes trained animals. [3 definitions]
cirrus a high-altitude cloud usu. appearing in the form of filaments or threads. [3 definitions]