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circumference the outer boundary of a circle or other curvilinear figure or area; perimeter. [2 definitions]
circumstance an occurrence or fact associated with or having an impact on an event or situation. [6 definitions]
circus a traveling show that usually includes performances by acrobats and clowns, and sometimes trained animals. [3 definitions]
cirrus a high-altitude cloud usu. appearing in the form of filaments or threads. [3 definitions]
cite to refer to and acknowledge (a source) in writing or speaking. [5 definitions]
citizen a person belonging by birth or naturalization to a political and geographic entity, esp. a nation. (Cf. alien). [2 definitions]
citizenship the state of being a citizen. [2 definitions]
citrus any of various trees and shrubs cultivated in warm climates for their thick-skinned, juicy fruit, such as the orange, lemon, and grapefruit. [4 definitions]
city a large and significant town, usu. a locally governed commercial and population center. [2 definitions]
civic of or concerning a city; municipal. [2 definitions]
civics (used with a sing. verb) a branch of political science that deals with the rights and duties of citizens and with civic matters.
civil of or concerning citizens or the general population. [4 definitions]
civilian a person who is not serving in the military or the police. [2 definitions]
civilization an advanced state of development of a society as judged by such things as having a complex system of government and laws, use of a written language, and the keeping of written records. [6 definitions]
civilize to bring to an educated or refined condition; cause impulsive or destructive behavior to be voluntarily restrained.
civilized educated or refined; not impulsive or destructive; socialized or civil.
civil rights the rights guaranteed by a nation's government to all its citizens. [2 definitions]
civil service any branch of government administration that is not part of the legislative, judicial, or military services. [3 definitions]
civil war a war within a nation between opposing political factions or regions. [2 definitions]
Cl symbol of the chemical element chlorine.
clad1 a past tense and past participle of clothe.