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climate the weather conditions most prevailing in a place, averaged over several years. [3 definitions]
climate change any significant change in Earth's climate capable of causing cataclysmic events such as the mass extinction of species. [2 definitions]
climax the point of highest interest or intensity in a series of increasingly important points or events. [4 definitions]
climb to move upward; go towards the top; ascend. [7 definitions]
climber a person or animal that climbs. [4 definitions]
clinch to make certain or final; secure; settle. [8 definitions]
cling to stick or attach closely. [3 definitions]
clinic a medical facility, esp. for treatment of outpatients. [4 definitions]
clink to make or cause to make a short, sharp, ringing sound. [2 definitions]
clip1 to cut off, cut out, or trim, as by scissors or trimmers. [11 definitions]
clip2 a device that holds, grasps, or fastens, as a paper clip or hair clip. [5 definitions]
clipper (often pl.) a tool for clipping. [3 definitions]
clipping a piece clipped off or from. [2 definitions]
cloak a long, loose outer garment that drapes around one's shoulders and has no sleeves. [3 definitions]
clobber (informal) to strike hard; beat severely. [2 definitions]
clock1 a mechanical or electric device, other than a watch, for measuring or indicating time. [3 definitions]
clockwise in or turning in the direction in which a clock's hands turn. (Cf. counterclockwise.)
clod a lump of earth or clay. [2 definitions]
clog to block passage along or through. [7 definitions]
cloister a place such as a monastery or convent where people live secluded religious lives. [4 definitions]
clop a sharp, hollow striking sound, as of a horse's hoof on pavement. [2 definitions]