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clot a thickened lump or mass of liquid, such as blood. [4 definitions]
cloth material woven of spun threads of cotton, wool, nylon, or the like; fabric. [3 definitions]
clothe to put clothing on; dress. [3 definitions]
clothes articles of dress worn on the body, such as pants, shirts, dresses, or the like; garments; apparel; clothing.
clothespin a clip or forked peg of wood or plastic, used to secure clothes on a line for drying.
clothing articles of dress collectively; clothes. [2 definitions]
cloud a visible body, usu. white or gray, of fine water droplets high in the earth's atmosphere. [8 definitions]
cloudburst a sudden, heavy rainstorm.
cloudy characterized by the presence of clouds; overcast. [5 definitions]
clove1 the dried flower bud of an East Indian tree, used as a spice. [2 definitions]
clove2 one of the small plant bulbs formed from the main bulb, esp. in garlic.
clover any of various plants having three-lobed leaves and small, dense flowers, and often used for pasturage or hay. (See four-leaf clover.) [2 definitions]
clown a comic performer, as in a circus, who wears odd clothes and exaggerated makeup and entertains by jokes, tricks, juggling, and the like. [4 definitions]
club a heavy stick, esp. of wood, used as a weapon. [7 definitions]
clubhouse a building or room owned by a club and used for meetings and other events.
cluck to make the sharp, throaty noise of a hen brooding or calling chicks. [4 definitions]
clue something that gives direction or help in solving a puzzle, problem, or mystery. [2 definitions]
clue in to provide with information or make aware.
clump a dense grouping, as of trees. [6 definitions]
clumsy lacking physical grace or coordination; awkward; fumbling. [3 definitions]
clung past tense and past participle of cling.