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cock1 the adult male of a chicken or other fowl; rooster. [7 definitions]
cock2 to tilt to one side or to turn upward, esp. jauntily, alertly, or expectantly. [2 definitions]
cockatoo any of various crested, mostly white parrots of Australia and other parts of the South Pacific.
cocker spaniel a small spaniel characterized by a compact body, short legs, a soft wavy coat, and long drooping ears.
cockle any of a number of round or heart-shaped, often edible, mollusks with two hinged shells. [5 definitions]
cockpit an enclosed area from which the pilot and crew control an airplane. [3 definitions]
cockroach any of a large group of flat-bodied, nocturnal insects related to the grasshopper, some of which infest homes and other buildings.
cocktail1 an alcoholic beverage mixed from one or more liquors and juice, soda, or the like, often served cold. [4 definitions]
cocky arrogantly self-confident.
cocoa a powder made by roasting and grinding the seeds of the cacao tree and removing most of their fatty oil. [3 definitions]
coconut a tropical palm tree that bears large edible seeds; coconut tree; coconut palm. [3 definitions]
cocoon a fibrous covering produced by immature insects, such as butterfly and moth larvae, to protect them during metamorphosis, or by some spiders to hide their eggs. [2 definitions]
cod any of a wide variety of saltwater fishes, caught commercially for food.
c.o.d. abbreviation of "collect on delivery." [2 definitions]
code a set of rules, laws, or regulations. [6 definitions]
coeducation the schooling of males and females at the same institution and in the same classes.
coffee a tropical plant that produces beans used to make a dark brown drink. [2 definitions]
coffeepot a vessel or device for making and serving coffee.
coffee shop a small restaurant that serves coffee, snacks, and light meals.
coffee table a long low table, usu. placed in front of a sofa.
coffin a rectangular box in which a dead person is buried or cremated.