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color-blind partly or totally unable to distinguish a color or colors. [2 definitions]
colorful having many colors; brilliant in color. [2 definitions]
coloring the process or method of imparting color. [4 definitions]
colour a spelling of "color" used in Canada and Britain. See "color" for more information.
colt a young male horse, esp. one younger than four years old. [2 definitions]
columbine any of several plants related to the buttercup, bearing varicolored flowers having five spurred petals.
column a regularly appearing article or editorial in a newspaper or magazine. [5 definitions]
columnist a writer or editor of a regular column or feature in a newspaper or magazine.
coma1 a prolonged, deep state of unconsciousness resulting from disease, injury, poisoning, or the like.
comb a thin, toothed implement used to untangle, style, or hold hair. [9 definitions]
combat to fight against or oppose forcefully. [3 definitions]
combination the act of combining or state of being combined. [3 definitions]
combine to bring or join together, as into a whole. [6 definitions]
combustion the act or process of burning. [3 definitions]
come to move toward the location of the speaker; approach. [12 definitions]
come across to discover or encounter by chance. [3 definitions]
come clean (informal) to admit the truth.
comedian a professional entertainer who specializes in telling jokes, acting in humorous skits, and the like. [3 definitions]
comedy a light, amusing work of theater, film, or literature. [4 definitions]
come out to be revealed or made known. [8 definitions]
come out in the wash to be revealed in the long run. [2 definitions]