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commute to reduce the severity of (a prison sentence). [7 definitions]
Comoros an African country comprising three of the Comoro Islands; Federal and Islamic Republic of Comoros.
compact1 solidly joined or packed together; dense. [9 definitions]
compact2 an agreement or contract; pact.
compact disk a palm-sized disk on which music, data, or the like has been digitally encoded, that is read by laser and transmitted to a playback device.
companion one who associates with another or others. [3 definitions]
companionship the relationship existing between or among companions.
company a business firm. [7 definitions]
comparative of or involving comparison. [5 definitions]
compare to note the likenesses and differences of. [5 definitions]
comparison the process or result of comparing or of being compared. [2 definitions]
compartment a part sectioned off from a larger whole. [3 definitions]
compass an instrument for determining direction, esp. one with a horizontal magnetic needle that rotates freely until it points to the magnetic north. [9 definitions]
compassion a feeling of sharing another's suffering, prompting a desire to relieve that suffering; commiseration; clemency.
compel to force or drive to some action or attitude; pressure. [3 definitions]
compensate to provide with or serve as an equivalent; make up for (often fol. by "for"). [4 definitions]
compensation the act of compensating, or the condition of being compensated. [2 definitions]
compete to contend against others to win a desired goal or achieve a desired result. [2 definitions]
competent capable; qualified. [3 definitions]
competition the process or act of competing. [4 definitions]
competitive involving, related to, or characterized by competition. [3 definitions]