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connect to join together; link. [4 definitions]
Connecticut a northeastern U.S. state south of Massachusetts. (abbr.: CT)
connection something that connects. [5 definitions]
conquer to gain or overcome by force, esp. armed force. [4 definitions]
conqueror one who gains victory.
conquest the act or process of conquering. [3 definitions]
conquistador one of the Spanish conquerors of the Americas in the sixteenth century.
conscience the human faculty that enables one to decide between right and wrong conduct, esp. in regard to one's own actions. [2 definitions]
conscientious done in accordance with one's conscience; principled. [2 definitions]
conscious aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, and surroundings. [3 definitions]
consciousness the state or quality of being conscious or aware. [3 definitions]
consecrate to dedicate to the service or worship of a deity; make or declare sacred. [3 definitions]
consecutive following one after another without interruption; in unbroken order. [2 definitions]
consent to give agreement, approval, or permission (often fol. by "to"). [3 definitions]
consequence that which follows; result. [3 definitions]
consequently as a result; therefore; accordingly.
conservation the act of preserving and protecting from loss, destruction, or waste. [2 definitions]
conservative preferring the traditional and resisting rapid change. [7 definitions]
conserve to keep safe from loss, destruction, or waste. [4 definitions]
consider to think about carefully; reflect on. [7 definitions]
considerable large in size, number, extent, or proportion. [2 definitions]