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constitutional of or relating to a constitution. [4 definitions]
constrict to pull or squeeze in; make narrower or smaller; tighten. [3 definitions]
constrictor any of various snakes that coil around and crush their prey. [3 definitions]
construct to put together by assembling component parts; build. [2 definitions]
construction the act or process of building or constructing. [4 definitions]
constructive serving to clarify or improve; helpful. [3 definitions]
consul a national government official assigned to live in a foreign city in order to give assistance and protection to his or her nation's citizens who live or travel there, and to promote his or her country's commercial interests. [2 definitions]
consult to look to for advice or information. [4 definitions]
consultant one who offers advice or expertise to others on a professional basis. [2 definitions]
consume to eat, drink, or ingest. [6 definitions]
consumer one who purchases goods or services. [2 definitions]
consumption the act or process of using up or consuming. [4 definitions]
cont.1 abbreviation of "continue" or "continued."
contact the physical touching of one thing to another. [8 definitions]
contact lens a thin, usu. plastic lens, clear or tinted, that is worn over the cornea of the eye to correct imperfect vision or change the color of the eyes.
contagious capable of being spread from person to person by contact or association. [3 definitions]
contain to hold or have within. [4 definitions]
container something, such as a box, barrel, or can, that contains or may contain something else; receptacle. [2 definitions]
contaminate to make impure or unusable by contact or by adding a harmful substance.
contemplate to look at long and thoughtfully. [4 definitions]
contemporary existing in, relating to, or belonging to the same period of time. [4 definitions]