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corrode to cause to wear away by degrees, esp. by chemical action. [3 definitions]
corrosion the act, process, or condition of being dissolved or eaten away gradually, esp. by chemical action. [2 definitions]
corrupt dishonest, disloyal, unjust, or otherwise immoral. [11 definitions]
corruption the act of making corrupt or depraved. [5 definitions]
corsage a small bunch of flowers worn by a woman, usu. at the shoulder or waist or on the wrist. [2 definitions]
cosmetic any preparation, such as lipstick or nail polish, made to be applied externally to the body to increase attractiveness. [4 definitions]
cosmic of or relating to the universe or cosmos. [3 definitions]
cosmonaut a space traveler or astronaut, esp. one from Russia.
cosmos the totality of material existence, esp. considered as a unified, orderly whole; universe. [4 definitions]
cost the amount charged or given in payment for services or goods; price. [6 definitions]
Costa Rica a Central American country between Panama and Nicaragua.
costly of high cost, value, or expense. [2 definitions]
costume the type or style of clothing, jewelry, makeup, and the like worn in a particular place or time or by members of a particular profession or group. [4 definitions]
cosy variant of cozy.
cot1 a small portable bed, esp. one that folds up. [2 definitions]
Cote d'Ivoire a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Ghana and Liberia.
cottage a small or modest detached home, usu. for one family. [2 definitions]
cottage cheese a soft white mild-flavored cheese made of slightly soured skim-milk curds.
cotton a plant that produces soft, white fibers used in making a variety of textile products. [6 definitions]
cotton candy a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone.
cottonmouth a poisonous North American snake that lives in swamps; water moccasin.