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cove a small recess in a shoreline; bay. [4 definitions]
cover to put or spread something over or on, as for protection or concealment. [21 definitions]
coveralls a one-piece protective garment with trousers and sleeves, worn by workmen over clothing.
covered wagon a large wagon with a high arched canvas cover, used by American pioneers.
covering something that covers or conceals.
covet to envy or wish to possess (something belonging to another) inordinately or without right. [3 definitions]
Covid-19 a serious, potentially fatal disease caused by a novel coronavirus that broke out initially in 2019 and caused a pandemic in 2020. "Co" in Covid stands for "corona," "vi" stands for "virus," and "d" stands for "disease." The number 19 refers to the year 2019.
cow1 an adult female of a bovine animal, esp. the domestic farm animal kept or raised for its milk or meat. [2 definitions]
coward a person who lacks the courage to face danger, pain, or difficulty; a person easily discouraged or intimidated by fear. [2 definitions]
cowardice lack of bravery or resolve in the face of danger, pain, or other difficulties.
cowardly of or like a coward. [3 definitions]
cowboy a mounted cattle herdsman employed by ranches of the western United States. [3 definitions]
cowgirl a young woman hired to herd and tend cattle, usu. on horseback, in the western United States. [2 definitions]
cowhand a cattle ranch employee; cowboy or cowgirl.
cowhide the skin and hair of a cow or leather made from the skin. [3 definitions]
coworker one of two or more persons who work together; fellow worker.
coyote a small wolflike carnivore of North America.
cozy comfortably warm and snug, or giving one a warm emotional feeling, often by being small in size yet pleasant. [5 definitions]
CPR abbreviation of "cardiopulmonary resuscitation."
Cr symbol of the chemical element chromium.
crab1 any of various ten-legged marine crustaceans, having broad, flat bodies, eyes on short stalks, and strong pincers on the front legs. The meat of some kinds of crabs is commonly eaten by humans. [8 definitions]