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creed any formulated system of principles, beliefs, or opinions, esp. in a religion. [2 definitions]
Creek a member of the strong confederacy of Indian tribes formed from groups previously in Alabama and Georgia, and now mostly in Oklahoma. [2 definitions]
creek a stream, smaller than a river, in some places flowing only after rain falls or snow melts.
creep to move with the body close to or dragging along on the ground or other surface; crawl. [12 definitions]
creepy of or causing a feeling of anxiety, fear, or revulsion similar to that which might be produced by something creeping on one's skin. [3 definitions]
crepe a thin fabric with a wrinkled or ridged surface. [5 definitions]
crepe paper thin, crinkled paper textured like crepe, esp. used to decorate; crepe.
crept past tense and past participle of creep.
crescendo a gradual increase in loudness, force, or intensity, esp. of a musical passage, or the peak of such an increase. (Cf. decrescendo.) [5 definitions]
crescent the shape of the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter, an arc tapering to a point at either end. [5 definitions]
crest a tuft or other projecting growth on an animal's head, such as the comb of a rooster, or anything resembling such a growth. [7 definitions]
crew a group of people working together to perform a joint function. [3 definitions]
crib a stationary bed with high, barred sides for an infant or young child. [12 definitions]
cricket1 any of various insects that are similar to grasshoppers in having long antennae and great leaping ability, the male of which produces a shrill chirp by rubbing its front wings together.
cricket2 a game played outdoors with a ball, bats, and wickets at either end of the field, by two opposing teams of eleven members each. [3 definitions]
cried past tense and past participle of cry.
crime an act that violates the law of a state, nation, or other entity, and that endangers the public welfare in some way. [3 definitions]
criminal of, pertaining to, or having the nature of crime, esp. as opposed to civil violations. [4 definitions]
crimson a dark reddish purple color.
crinkle to make small ripples or wrinkles. [4 definitions]
cripple (old-fashioned, sometimes offensive) a person or animal that is lame or otherwise physically impaired. [4 definitions]