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crouch to lower the body close to the ground by bending the legs, as an animal about to pounce or a human preparing to run in a race. [4 definitions]
croup1 an abnormal respiratory condition, most common in children, the symptoms of which include coughing and difficulty in breathing.
crow1 any of a number of shiny black birds noted for their shrill, harsh calls and for their scavenging.
crow2 to make the harsh call of a rooster. [4 definitions]
crowbar a heavy steel bar or rod, often with a flattened and bent end, that is designed to be used as a lever.
crowd a large number of people massed together. [9 definitions]
crowded very or exceedingly full; packed. [2 definitions]
crown a circlet or headdress, often made of precious materials, worn by a king, queen, emperor, or other monarch, usu. on state occasions, as a symbol of sovereignty. [21 definitions]
crow's-nest a small, sometimes partially enclosed observation platform located near the top of a ship's mast. [2 definitions]
crucial of decisive importance; critical.
crude not processed or refined; raw. [7 definitions]
cruel inclined to inflict or intentionally inflicting pain, hardship, or suffering. [3 definitions]
cruelty the state or quality of being cruel. [2 definitions]
cruise to travel, esp. in a ship, for pleasure, the destination being of secondary concern. [5 definitions]
cruiser a medium-sized, fast warship with a great range. [4 definitions]
crumb a tiny fragment, esp. such as breaks or falls from baked goods. [6 definitions]
crumble to break or crush into bits or crumbs. [2 definitions]
crummy (informal) dirty, shabby, cheap, or the like. [2 definitions]
crumple to press or crush so as to rumple or cause wrinkles. [5 definitions]
crunch to chew with a crackling noise; crush by biting. [6 definitions]
crunchy making or capable of making a crunching sound, esp. when chewed; crispy.