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crust the baked dough on the outside of baked goods such as bread, pies, or pizza. [7 definitions]
crustacean any of a large group of segmented invertebrates, such as shrimp and crabs, that usu. live in water and have hard shells.
crutch a device used to help disabled people walk, usu. one of two supports that are held by the hands and that rest in the armpits. [3 definitions]
cry to weep or shed tears as the result of pain or emotion. [11 definitions]
cry over spilled milk to worry unduly about something that cannot be undone.
crystal a naturally symmetrical or layered solid, such as diamond or quartz, with a regularly repeating three-dimensional atomic, ionic, or molecular structure. [7 definitions]
crystal ball a globe of glass or quartz crystal used by fortune-tellers to foretell events in the future.
crystallize to convert into or cause to become crystals. [4 definitions]
cry uncle to yield; give up.
cry wolf to give a false alarm.
CT abbreviation of "Connecticut," a northeastern U.S. state south of Massachusetts.
cu. abbreviation of "cubic," having the volume of a cube whose edge is of a specific length.
cub the immature offspring of certain meat-eating mammals, such as the bear, lion, or fox. [2 definitions]
Cuba a country on the largest island in the West Indies.
Cuban of or pertaining to Cuba or to its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
cube1 a rectangular solid with six square faces all of the same size. [5 definitions]
cubic having form in three dimensions. [3 definitions]
Cub Scout a member of the junior division of the Boy Scouts of America, for boys between eight and eleven.
cuckoo any of several slender grayish to brownish birds of Europe and America, some of which have a distinctive two-note call. [5 definitions]
cucumber an edible fruit of a creeping vine, usu. long and cylindrical with a hard green skin and greenish white flesh. [2 definitions]
cud a quantity of food that certain animals such as cows bring up from the first stomach to chew again.