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daffodil a plant with bell-shaped, usu. yellow flowers on tall stems. [2 definitions]
dagger a short, pointed, swordlike weapon with two sharp edges. [3 definitions]
daily occurring every day; used every day. [4 definitions]
dainty small and delicate. [4 definitions]
dairy a place of business or a building where milk is stored and milk products such as butter and cheese are made. [4 definitions]
dairy case a large, refrigerated container used for holding and displaying dairy products in a store.
dairy product a type of food made from the milk of certain mammals, primarily that of cows, goats, and sheep.
dais a raised platform, esp. at one end of a meeting hall, for speakers or persons being honored.
daisy any of various plants having flowers with yellow centers and white rayed petals. [3 definitions]
dale a valley.
Dalmatian any of a breed of fairly large dogs that have short white hair spotted with black or liver color.
dam1 a barrier built usu. across a waterway to restrict flow and raise the water level. [4 definitions]
damage harm or injury that reduces usefulness, value, or soundness. [4 definitions]
dame an honorific term used in the past for a woman in authority, such as a head of household. [3 definitions]
damp slightly wet; not completely dry. [8 definitions]
dampen to make moist. [3 definitions]
dance to move the body in a rhythmic sequence, usu. in a prescribed fashion and usu. to music. [9 definitions]
dancer one who dances or whose profession is dancing.
dandelion a low-growing weedy plant with notched leaves and yellow flowers. [2 definitions]
dandruff a thin crust that forms on the scalp and is shed in flaky particles.
dandy a man who is greatly concerned about the smartness of his clothing and appearance. [4 definitions]