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damp slightly wet; not completely dry. [8 definitions]
dampen to make moist. [3 definitions]
dance to move the body in a rhythmic sequence, usu. in a prescribed fashion and usu. to music. [9 definitions]
dancer one who dances or whose profession is dancing.
dandelion a low-growing weedy plant with notched leaves and yellow flowers. [2 definitions]
dandruff a thin crust that forms on the scalp and is shed in flaky particles.
dandy a man who is greatly concerned about the smartness of his clothing and appearance. [4 definitions]
Dane a native or citizen of Denmark, or a descendant thereof.
danger exposure to harm or peril. [2 definitions]
dangerous likely to cause or permit harm; full of risks; unsafe.
dangle to hang loosely, esp. with a swinging motion. [3 definitions]
Danish of or pertaining to Denmark or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
Danish pastry a light, flaky pastry that is made of raised dough, filled with cheese, fruit, or the like, and usu. drizzled with icing.
Danube River a river originating in Germany and flowing through central Europe, eventually emptying into the Black Sea.
dare to be courageous enough or reckless enough to do something. [4 definitions]
daredevil a person who recklessly risks physical harm by performing dangerous feats. [2 definitions]
daresay to take the risk of saying (used to introduce a statement of what one imagines to be true; used only in the first person singular in the present tense).
daring willingness to take risks; boldness. [4 definitions]
dark characterized by a lack of light. [7 definitions]
darken to cause to be dark or darker. [6 definitions]
darkness the absence of light. [4 definitions]