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dart a small pointed missile, thrown by hand or shot from a blowgun or other device. [6 definitions]
dash to hurl or thrust (something) violently, esp. so as to break or shatter. [12 definitions]
dashboard in an automobile or other vehicle, a panel below the windshield containing dials, controls, and compartments.
data (used with a sing. or pl. verb) plural form of datum, an individual piece of information that is used to draw a conclusion.
database a large collection of information arranged for quick retrieval, updating, or the like, esp. such a collection in a computer.
data processing the recording, organizing, and storing of information, esp. by computers, in accordance with strictly defined procedures.
date1 a specific day or point in time, usu. described by indicating the month, day, and year. [11 definitions]
date2 the edible fruit of the date palm tree of the Middle East.
dated having a date. [2 definitions]
daub to smear or cover with soft sticky material such as plaster. [7 definitions]
daughter a person's female offspring, either natural or adopted. [2 definitions]
daughter-in-law the wife of one's son.
dawdle to walk slowly and aimlessly; linger along the way. [3 definitions]
dawn the first daylight in the morning, or the time at which it occurs. [5 definitions]
day the period between sunrise and sunset or between two successive nights. [5 definitions]
daybreak the first daylight in the morning; dawn.
day care daytime care and supervision, in a home or day-care center, esp. for preschool children, or after-school or vacation care for older children, or supervised daytime care for elderly or disabled people. [2 definitions]
daydream a dreamlike fantasy one has while awake, often characterized by pleasant thoughts or wishful imaginings. [2 definitions]
daylight the light of the day, or the time that the sky is or becomes light. [4 definitions]
daytime the time between dawn and evening.
daze to stun, as by a blow or shock. [3 definitions]