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date1 a specific day or point in time, usu. described by indicating the month, day, and year. [11 definitions]
date2 the edible fruit of the date palm tree of the Middle East.
dated having a date. [2 definitions]
daub to smear or cover with soft sticky material such as plaster. [7 definitions]
daughter a person's female offspring, either natural or adopted. [2 definitions]
daughter-in-law the wife of one's son.
dawdle to walk slowly and aimlessly; linger along the way. [3 definitions]
dawn the first daylight in the morning, or the time at which it occurs. [5 definitions]
day the period between sunrise and sunset or between two successive nights. [5 definitions]
daybreak the first daylight in the morning; dawn.
day care daytime care and supervision, in a home or day-care center, esp. for preschool children, or after-school or vacation care for older children, or supervised daytime care for elderly or disabled people. [2 definitions]
daydream a dreamlike fantasy one has while awake, often characterized by pleasant thoughts or wishful imaginings. [2 definitions]
daylight the light of the day, or the time that the sky is or becomes light. [4 definitions]
daytime the time between dawn and evening.
daze to stun, as by a blow or shock. [3 definitions]
dazzle to dim or confuse the vision of, by blinding light. [6 definitions]
D.C.2 abbreviation of "District of Columbia," a federal area on the Maryland side of the Potomac River that encompasses only the U.S. capital city of Washington (often used informally to refer to the city.)
DE abbreviation of "Delaware," an eastern U.S. state between Maryland and New Jersey.
de- away from; from; off. [4 definitions]
deacon in certain Christian churches, a clergyman just below a priest in rank. [3 definitions]
dead lacking normal life functions; not alive. [16 definitions]