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DE abbreviation of "Delaware," an eastern U.S. state between Maryland and New Jersey.
de- away from; from; off. [4 definitions]
deacon in certain Christian churches, a clergyman just below a priest in rank. [3 definitions]
dead lacking normal life functions; not alive. [16 definitions]
deaden to make the nerves insensitive to. [3 definitions]
dead end a street, alley, or conduit that is closed at one end, offering no through passage. [2 definitions]
deadline a date or time by which something must be done. [2 definitions]
deadly capable of causing death. [6 definitions]
Dead Sea a large salt lake between Israel and Jordan, and the lowest recorded land elevation on earth, at about 1300 feet below sea level.
deaf partly or totally lacking the sense of hearing. [2 definitions]
deafen to cause to become deaf. [2 definitions]
deal1 to take specific action about something (usu. fol. by "with"). [15 definitions]
dealer one who buys and sells; trader or merchant. [2 definitions]
dealt past tense and past participle of deal1.
dear loved or precious. [9 definitions]
death the end of life; termination of life functions in any living thing. [5 definitions]
debate a discussion of two opposing viewpoints, usu. in a formal meeting or assembly. [7 definitions]
debit an amount of money removed from or owed on an account, or the record of that amount. [5 definitions]
debris scattered fragments, as after an act of destruction; ruins; rubble. [2 definitions]
debt something owed to another, such as money or services. [3 definitions]
debtor one who owes a debt to another.