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decathlon an athletic contest in which each participant competes in ten different track and field events over a period of two days.
decay to rot or become rotted; decompose. [8 definitions]
deceased no longer alive; dead. [2 definitions]
deceit the act or practice of misleading, tricking, or cheating. [3 definitions]
deceive to lead (a person) to believe something that is untrue; mislead; trick; defraud. [2 definitions]
December the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
decent conforming to social standards as regards morality, modesty, good taste, or the like; not obscene or offensive. [5 definitions]
deception the act of causing someone to believe an untruth, or the state of being so deceived. [2 definitions]
decibel a unit indicating the level of loudness of sound, relative to a standard level, or indicating relative differences in power levels of electrical signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels. (abbr.: dB)
decide to arrive at a conclusion about or a settlement of; determine. [7 definitions]
deciduous of trees and shrubs, having leaves that drop off seasonally each year. (Cf. evergreen.) [3 definitions]
decimal pertaining to the number ten or to tenths. [5 definitions]
decimal point a period placed before the numerator in a decimal fraction.
decipher to convert from a coded form to ordinary language; decode. [2 definitions]
decision the act of deciding, or the judgement, choice, or resolution that one has come to after considering a matter. [2 definitions]
decisive having the power or character to make decisions or end disputes. [2 definitions]
deck a horizontal platform or floor that extends from side to side of a ship and that may have other platforms above or below it. [6 definitions]
declaration the act of declaring. [4 definitions]
Declaration of Independence the public document by which the United States of America was declared to be free and independent of England in 1776.
declarative sentence a sentence that makes a statement. There are many examples of declarative sentences, such as, "It is raining outside."
declare to proclaim or formally announce (the fact of something happening or existing). [7 definitions]