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defiantly in a manner that shows a strong rejection of an idea or authority or an unwillingness to obey.
deficiency the quality or condition of lacking something required; insufficiency or incompleteness. [2 definitions]
deficient lacking some essential part, element, substance, or characteristic. [2 definitions]
deficit an amount by which something is less than what is required or expected, esp. the amount by which income is less than expenses.
define to explain or state the meaning of (a word or phrase). [4 definitions]
definite clearly defined or fixed, as opposed to being undecided, undetermined, or general; precise; exact. [3 definitions]
definite article in English grammar, the article "the," which restricts or particularizes the noun or noun equivalent that it modifies. (Cf. indefinite article.)
definitely without a doubt; positively. [2 definitions]
definition the act of defining or making clear. [3 definitions]
deflate to cause to shrink or collapse, esp. by releasing air or gas. [4 definitions]
deflect to turn aside or slant away from a straight course; swerve.
deforestation the removal of forest or trees from an area of land.
deform to damage or distort the shape or form of; misshape; mutilate. [4 definitions]
defrost to remove frost or ice from. [3 definitions]
deft capable, quick, and clever in action; skillful; dexterous.
defy to resist or challenge openly; act against the wishes or decrees of. [3 definitions]
degrade to bring (someone or something) down in moral or intellectual character; deprave; debase. [8 definitions]
degree a stage or step, esp. as part of a course of action or process. [6 definitions]
dehydrate to remove water from (fruits, vegetables, or other foods) for preservation. [4 definitions]
dehydration the act or process of removing water, or the elements of water, from something such as a food or chemical compound. [2 definitions]
deity a god or goddess. [4 definitions]