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deli (informal) delicatessen.
deliberate said or done intentionally. [5 definitions]
delicate agreeable to the senses because of fineness or subtlety. [7 definitions]
delicatessen a shop that sells ready-to-eat foods such as salads, cooked meats, and cheeses. [2 definitions]
delicious extremely pleasing or agreeable, esp. to the sense of taste or smell. [3 definitions]
delight considerable pleasure, satisfaction, or enjoyment. [5 definitions]
delightful very pleasing; causing delight.
delirious in, pertaining to, or displaying a temporary state of mental confusion and incoherence, as from a fever or intoxication. [2 definitions]
deliver to send or bring (something) to an intended destination or recipient. [9 definitions]
delivery an act of conveying or transporting. [6 definitions]
delta the name of the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. [2 definitions]
deluge an inundation of the land by a great quantity of water; flood. [5 definitions]
delusion the act of deluding; or the condition of being deluded. [2 definitions]
demand to request forcefully. [9 definitions]
demanding requiring or demanding a great deal. [2 definitions]
demerit a mark made on a person's record because of some fault, misconduct, offense, or failure, often leading to punishment or a loss of privileges. [2 definitions]
Demeter in Greek mythology, the goddess of agriculture, marriage, and fertility; Ceres.
democracy a form of government in which power ultimately rests with the people, either directly or through elected representatives. [3 definitions]
democrat an advocate of the principles of democratic government. [2 definitions]
democratic having or promoting social, economic, and political equality. [3 definitions]
Democratic Party one of the two major United States political parties, founded in 1828.