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demolish to tear down or raze (a building or the like). [4 definitions]
demon an evil spirit; fiend. [4 definitions]
demonstrate to explain or describe, esp. by modeling or using many examples. [4 definitions]
demonstration the act of proving with evidence. [5 definitions]
demonstrative serving to demonstrate or illustrate; explanatory. [5 definitions]
den the resting place or retreat of a large predatory wild animal, such as a wolf or lion; lair. [4 definitions]
denial a statement or assertion of the falsehood of something. [5 definitions]
denim a sturdy, twilled, usu. cotton cloth used in clothing. [3 definitions]
Denmark a Scandinavian country comprising a peninsula and nearby islands, bordered by Germany and the North Sea.
denomination the act of designating or assigning a classifying name. [4 definitions]
denominator in arithmetic, the number in a fraction that is below the division line, indicating the number of equal parts into which the number above is to be divided; divisor.
denote to be a mark or signal of; indicate. [3 definitions]
denounce to attack or condemn verbally; speak out against; censure. [3 definitions]
dense having parts closely massed with little space between. [4 definitions]
density the state or condition of being dense. [4 definitions]
dent1 a hollow or depression made in a surface by or as if by pressure or a blow. [3 definitions]
dental of, related to, or for the teeth. [2 definitions]
dental floss a tough thread, often waxed, esp. made for removing food particles and plaque from between the teeth.
dentine the bonelike material under the enamel of a tooth which constitutes the main part of the tooth.
dentist one who practices dentistry.
deny to declare (something) false; refuse to agree with or admit; dispute; contradict. [3 definitions]