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desalinate to remove salt from, esp. to make sea water drinkable.
desalination the process of removing salt from water, esp. for the purpose of making sea water drinkable; desalinization.
desalinization the process of removing salt from water; desalination.
descend to move downward or to a lower position or state. [7 definitions]
descendant one regarded as the biological offspring of a given ancestor or ancestors. [3 definitions]
descent the act or process of going downward. [4 definitions]
describe to tell about; give a verbal account of. [2 definitions]
description the act of describing. [3 definitions]
descriptive characterized by description. [2 definitions]
desegregate to eliminate the segregation of races in. [2 definitions]
desert1 a very dry, often sandy area with little or no plant growth. [5 definitions]
desert2 to abandon and thereby be remiss in one's duties or obligations. [3 definitions]
deserve to be qualified for or worthy of; merit. [2 definitions]
design to make or draw plans for, esp. the structure or form of. [11 definitions]
designate to distinguish by means of description, marks, name, or the like; specify. [5 definitions]
designated hitter in the American League in baseball, a team member chosen at the beginning of a game to bat in place of the pitcher.
designer a person who plans and creates designs for any of various artistic or commercial works. [2 definitions]
desirable of a thing or person, having characteristics that are attractive, prized, or valuable and thus causing a wish to have possession or the opportunity for use. [3 definitions]
desire to want or crave; yearn for. [5 definitions]
desk a piece of furniture, usu. having a flat surface and drawers, used for reading and writing. [3 definitions]
desktop the flat, upper working surface of a desk. [4 definitions]