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destruction the act of destroying. [3 definitions]
destructive causing chaos or destruction. [2 definitions]
detach to separate from some whole. [2 definitions]
detail a small item; specific aspect; particular. [8 definitions]
detailed providing a good deal of information including small, but often important, pieces of information; thoroughly treated or described. [2 definitions]
detain to prevent from going on; stop or delay. [2 definitions]
detect to perceive, discover, or uncover. [2 definitions]
detective a person, often a police officer, who conducts investigations.
detector something or someone that detects. [2 definitions]
detention the act or process of delaying or imprisoning, or the condition of being so held. [3 definitions]
deter to stop or discourage from some action by arousing doubt or fear. [2 definitions]
detergent having the capacity to cleanse. [2 definitions]
deteriorate to decline or become inferior in value or quality; debase. [4 definitions]
determination the quality of being determined or resolute. [5 definitions]
determine to decide or settle (a question, controversy, or the like) finally and authoritatively. [6 definitions]
determined characterized by determination; resolute. [2 definitions]
detest to hate; loathe.
detonate to explode or cause to explode suddenly and violently.
detour a departure from the direct course, esp. a temporary route established to avoid road blockage or repair. [4 definitions]
detract to diminish or take away (often fol. by "from"). [2 definitions]
detrimental causing harm, disadvantage, or deterioration.