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digital clock a clock that displays the time as digits rather than by hands on a dial.
dignified characterized by dignity of manner or expression; stately.
dignity one's sense of worth; pride or self-respect, esp. as manifested in one's bearing or behavior. [3 definitions]
dike an embankment built to prevent flooding; levee. [6 definitions]
dilapidated fallen into disrepair or decay, esp. from neglect or overuse.
dilemma a problem situation that requires a choice between equally undesirable solutions or that resists satisfactory solution. [2 definitions]
diligent continually attending to and striving to achieve a goal; assiduous; persevering. [2 definitions]
dilute to make (a solution) thinner or less concentrated by adding more solvent. [4 definitions]
dim poorly lighted. [9 definitions]
dime a coin of the United States and Canada equaling ten cents.
dimension size as measured in a particular direction such as height, width, or depth. [5 definitions]
diminish to decrease or abate; dwindle. [3 definitions]
diminutive very small; tiny. [4 definitions]
dimmer a device for varying the brightness of an electric light; rheostat. [2 definitions]
dimple a small natural hollow in the skin, esp. one that forms in the cheeks during a smile. [4 definitions]
din noise, esp. loud, confused, or dissonant noise. [4 definitions]
dinar the chief monetary unit of Algeria, equaling one hundred centimes. [8 definitions]
dine to eat a meal, especially the evening meal or an elegant one as part of a social occasion. [3 definitions]
dine out to eat dinner away from one's home.
diner one who eats a meal. [3 definitions]
dinette a small section of a room, esp. of a kitchen, that is used as an informal dining area; breakfast nook. [2 definitions]