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dire causing, likely to cause, or involving terror or suffering. [3 definitions]
direct to give instructions that lead or guide. [14 definitions]
direct current an electric current that flows in one direction. (Cf. alternating current.)
direction the act or an instance of directing. [7 definitions]
directly in a direct line or way; straight. [4 definitions]
direct object in grammar, the element of a sentence that represents the object, goal, or receiver of the action of a verb, such as "the ball" in "She kicked the ball." (Cf. indirect object, subject.)
director one person, or one of a committee of persons, who guides the affairs of a corporation, association, agency, or other organization. [3 definitions]
directory an index of names, locations, and often other data, such as a listing of telephone subscribers' names, addresses, and telephone numbers, or a listing of building occupants and their room numbers. [4 definitions]
dirigible an airship that can be steered or guided, such as a blimp. [2 definitions]
dirt loose earth or soil. [5 definitions]
dirty unclean; soiled. [10 definitions]
dis- not; lack of. [2 definitions]
disability the condition or state of incapacity, esp. as caused by an injury, congenital defect, illness, or the like. [3 definitions]
disable to cripple or incapacitate. [3 definitions]
disabled no longer operative; incapacitated. [2 definitions]
disadvantage an unfavorable or inferior condition or circumstance. [3 definitions]
disagree to differ or to have a differing opinion. [3 definitions]
disagreeable causing dislike or offense; unpleasant. [2 definitions]
disagreement a difference of opinion; conflict. [3 definitions]
disappear to become no longer visible. [3 definitions]
disappearance the act of disappearing or condition of having vanished.