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disable to cripple or incapacitate. [3 definitions]
disabled no longer operative; incapacitated. [2 definitions]
disadvantage an unfavorable or inferior condition or circumstance. [3 definitions]
disagree to differ or to have a differing opinion. [3 definitions]
disagreeable causing dislike or offense; unpleasant. [2 definitions]
disagreement a difference of opinion; conflict. [3 definitions]
disappear to become no longer visible. [3 definitions]
disappearance the act of disappearing or condition of having vanished.
disappoint to fail to fulfill the expectations, wishes, or hopes of. [2 definitions]
disappointed unhappy because of unfulfilled expectations.
disappointing failing to measure up to one's expectations, standards, or wishes.
disappointment the act of disappointing. [3 definitions]
disapprove to hold an unfavorable opinion (often fol. by "of"). [3 definitions]
disaster a sudden calamity, esp. one causing widespread damage or suffering such as an earthquake, flood, oil spill, or fire. [2 definitions]
disbelief a lack of belief; refusal or unwillingness to believe.
disc1 a phonograph record. [2 definitions]
disc2 any thin, flat, circular object, or one that appears flat and circular. [4 definitions]
discard to throw out or away; cast off. [5 definitions]
discharge to shoot or emit. [17 definitions]
disciple a pupil, adherent, or follower. [2 definitions]
discipline training of the body or mind to bring about desired results, particularly orderliness and obedience. [7 definitions]