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discrimination the act of discriminating, differentiating, or distinguishing. [3 definitions]
discus a disk of standardized weight, usu. of wood with a metal rim, thrown for distance in track and field competitions. [2 definitions]
discuss to talk together about; confer on. [2 definitions]
discussion the act or an instance of discussing, or, collectively, the various things said while discussing.
disease an abnormal physical or mental condition that causes an organism to function wrongly; illness; sickness. [2 definitions]
disfavor unfavorable regard or opinion; displeasure or disapproval. [4 definitions]
disfigure to mar the appearance or shape of.
disgrace the state of being in disrespect, dishonor, or disfavor; shame. [3 definitions]
disguise to change or hide the features of, in order to prevent recognition. [5 definitions]
disgust to cause nausea or revulsion in; sicken; repel. [3 definitions]
disgusted feeling or showing disgust; having or showing a strong feeling of loathing or disapproval.
disgusting causing disgust; repulsive; sickening.
dish a container for serving or holding food, usu. open and somewhat flat. [6 definitions]
disheveled undone and loosely hanging; unkempt. [2 definitions]
dish it out to deliver (criticism, abuse, or the like) strongly.
dishonest inclined to lie, steal, or cheat; not honest or trustworthy. [2 definitions]
dishonor loss of honor or reputation. [5 definitions]
dish out (informal) to give out; distribute.
dishtowel a towel used to dry dishes.
dish up to put (food) into a dish in order to serve. [2 definitions]
dishwasher one who washes dishes, esp. as an occupation. [2 definitions]