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DJ one who plays recorded music and provides commentary over the radio or at an event or venue; disc jockey. [3 definitions]
Djibouti an East African country on the Gulf of Aden and bordered by Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia. [2 definitions]
DMV abbreviation of "Department of Motor Vehicles."
DNA abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid; any of several acids occurring mainly in cellular nuclei and involved in the transmission of hereditary traits and the formation of proteins..
do1 to engage in (some activity); busy oneself with. [13 definitions]
do2 in music, the syllable that denotes the first or last tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [2 definitions]
do away with to abolish, discard, or discontinue. [2 definitions]
Doberman pinscher a breed of large dog that has short, smooth, usu. black hair with tan markings, often used as a guard dog.
docile obedient and easy to manage. [2 definitions]
dock1 a wharf or pier, the water bounded by two piers, or such water area together with the piers around it. [8 definitions]
doctor a person licensed to care for or treat people or animals, such as a physician, dentist, or veterinarian. (abbr.: Dr.) [6 definitions]
doctor's office a building, or place within a building, used by a single physician or group of physicians, where patients can consult with or be treated by a doctor on an appointment basis.
doctrine something that is advocated or taught; teaching. [3 definitions]
document a written or printed paper, often of a legal or official nature, that provides information, evidence, or proof of something, such as a birth certificate or marriage license. [4 definitions]
documentary pertaining to, consisting of, or based on written, authoritative information. [2 definitions]
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction. [6 definitions]
dodo any of several large, clumsy, flightless birds formerly found on islands in the Indian Ocean but now extinct. [2 definitions]
doe the female of certain mammals, such as deer and related animals, rabbits and hares, and goats.
does third person sing. present tense of do1.
doesn't contracted form of "does not."
dog a four-legged furry canine mammal related to the wolf and fox, commonly used for a pet. [6 definitions]