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dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction. [6 definitions]
dodo any of several large, clumsy, flightless birds formerly found on islands in the Indian Ocean but now extinct. [2 definitions]
doe the female of certain mammals, such as deer and related animals, rabbits and hares, and goats.
does third person sing. present tense of do1.
doesn't contracted form of "does not."
dog a four-legged furry canine mammal related to the wolf and fox, commonly used for a pet. [6 definitions]
Dog Star Sirius.
dogwood a tree of the eastern United States that bears clusters of small flowers surrounded by pink or white leaves that look like petals. [2 definitions]
doily a small decorative mat, often of embroidery or lace, used as a protective cover on furniture or dishes.
do-it-yourself of, pertaining to, or designed for use by amateurs, esp. in construction or repair work.
doll a small figure usually made of plastic, wood, or cloth that resembles a baby, child, or other person, used esp. as a child's toy. [4 definitions]
dollar the chief monetary unit of the United States, Canada, and several other countries, equaling one hundred cents. [3 definitions]
dolphin any of several marine mammals having a fishlike body and a toothed, beaklike snout. [2 definitions]
domain territory owned or controlled by a single ruler or government; realm. [5 definitions]
dome a rounded, circular roof or ceiling on a room or building. [7 definitions]
domestic of or related to the household or family. [5 definitions]
domesticate to make accustomed to domestic life. [2 definitions]
domesticated of animals, made suited to the needs of humans and living close to humans rather than in the wild. [2 definitions]
dominant most in control; ruling; leading. [4 definitions]
dominate to control or govern by the use of power or influence; rule. [5 definitions]
Dominica an island country in the West Indies.