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drawstring a cord or the like that is drawn through a sewn channel in fabric and pulled so as to tighten or close an opening, as of pants, a bag, or the like.
draw the line to set a limit on what is allowed.
draw up to draft; formulate. [2 definitions]
dread to be very afraid of or deeply apprehensive about. [7 definitions]
dreadful producing great fear, horror, or awe; dread. [2 definitions]
dreadlocks a hairstyle, originally worn by Rastafarians, in which the hair is worn in many long, twisted strands.
dream a series of images or visions that accompany sleep, or that occur during waking reverie. [13 definitions]
dreamt a past tense and past participle of "dream."
dream up (informal) to conceive in the imagination.
dreary cheerless, bleak, or depressing. [2 definitions]
dredge1 any of numerous pieces of equipment used to clear solid matter from the bottom of a body of water, as by a scoop or suction pipe. [7 definitions]
dregs a solid or murky residue that sinks to the bottom of some beverages, such as wine and coffee. [2 definitions]
drench to sprinkle with or soak in a liquid to the point of saturation; wet. [3 definitions]
dress a girl's or woman's one-piece garment consisting of a blouse connected to the waist of a skirt. [11 definitions]
dresser2 a piece of furniture with drawers or shelves for storing clothing or other items.
dressing the act of one who dresses. [4 definitions]
dress rehearsal a full and uninterrupted rehearsal of a production that includes costumes, scenery, orchestra, and the like, usu. the last rehearsal before performance.
dress up to dress in formal or fancy clothes.
drew past tense of draw.
dribble to drip or flow slowly in drops. [8 definitions]
dried having had all the water or moisture removed. [2 definitions]