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dress up to dress in formal or fancy clothes.
drew past tense of draw.
dribble to drip or flow slowly in drops. [8 definitions]
dried having had all the water or moisture removed. [2 definitions]
drier2 comparative of "dry."
drift to be carried along by an outside force, such as wind or water. [11 definitions]
driftwood wood that has been left upon a beach by water or is floating on water.
drill1 a tool consisting of a shaft that has sharp cutting edges and is used to make holes in wood, metal, or the like, usu. by means of rotation; drill bit. [13 definitions]
drink to swallow liquid. [12 definitions]
drip to flow downward in drops. [7 definitions]
drive to cause to move through air or a substance by force. [18 definitions]
drive-in an outdoor theater at which patrons watch movies from their automobiles. [3 definitions]
driven past participle of drive. [3 definitions]
driver one who drives. [2 definitions]
drivethrough a means by which customers can do business with an establishment at its premises without exiting their vehicles. This mechanism generally consists of a window to the establishment where business is conducted and a specially designated lane by which cars or other vehicles can access the window and exit once business is finished. [3 definitions]
driveway a private road that provides access from a street to a building such as a house or garage.
driving aggressively forward-moving; highly active; exciting. [2 definitions]
drizzle to rain lightly but continuously. [2 definitions]
dromedary an African or Asian camel with one hump. (Cf. Bactrian camel.)
drone1 a male honeybee or other male bee, whose only function is to impregnate the queen. [3 definitions]
drone2 to produce a low, continuous hum. [5 definitions]