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dunce an unintelligent, foolish, or ignorant person.
dune a mound or hill of sand built up by the action of wind.
dung solid excrement; feces, esp. nonhuman. [2 definitions]
dungaree a heavy, coarse cotton fabric, usu. blue; denim. [3 definitions]
dungeon a jail or jail cell, esp. a dark, damp one underground.
dunk to immerse in a liquid. [4 definitions]
duplicate an exact copy of an original. [7 definitions]
durable not easily worn out; long-lasting; sturdy. [2 definitions]
duration the state or quality of existing over time. [2 definitions]
during throughout the existence or duration of. [2 definitions]
dusk the time of day just before night; last moments of twilight.
dust dry, fine particles of soil or other substances. [11 definitions]
dustpan a shovel-shaped pan with a handle into which dust is swept for disposal.
dust storm a storm of severe winds that sweep up clouds of dust from land dried up by a drought.
dusty full of or covered with dust. [3 definitions]
Dutch of or pertaining to the Netherlands or its people, culture, language, or the like. [5 definitions]
dutiful carrying out one's duties or responsibilities as required or expected. [2 definitions]
duty ethical, legal, or moral obligation. [5 definitions]
dwarf (outdated; often considered offensive) a much smaller than average person due to a medical condition, esp. if proportioned so that the person's legs are shorter than his or her torso. [7 definitions]
dwell to live or stay as a resident; reside. [3 definitions]
dwelling a shelter used for long-term residence; abode; house.