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echo a repetition of sound caused by reflection of sound waves from a surface, or a sound so produced. [8 definitions]
eclipse at a particular observation point, the blocking of light from one celestial body by another, such as the eclipse of the sun by the interposition of the moon, or the eclipse of the moon by the earth's coming between the sun and moon. [6 definitions]
eco-friendly designed to cause minimal damage to the environment.
ecological of or pertaining to ecology.
ecology the scientific study of the relationships between living things and their environments. [2 definitions]
economic of or pertaining to the production and distribution of goods, wealth, and services. [3 definitions]
economical wasting little; thrifty; frugal.
economics (used with a sing. verb) the systematic study of the production and distribution of goods and services. [2 definitions]
economist a person who has expertise in the study of economics.
economize to practice thrift; avoid wasteful expenditure; be economical. [2 definitions]
economy the careful management of wealth, resources, and means of production. [5 definitions]
ecosystem a community of living things that interact with each other for their survival, together with their surrounding environment.
ecru a pale yellowish or grayish tan color.
ecstasy an emotional state of intense pleasure or joy. [2 definitions]
Ecuador a South American country on the Pacific coast between Colombia and Peru.
-ed used to form the past tense and past participle of regular verbs. [3 definitions]
eddy a small current of water, air, fog, dust, or the like that moves contrary to the main current, esp. rotating like a whirlpool. [2 definitions]
Eden according to the Old Testament, the garden in which Adam and Eve, the first humans, lived in a state of perfection; Garden of Eden; paradise. [2 definitions]
edge a line where two surfaces converge. [10 definitions]
edgewise with the edge forward or outward. [2 definitions]
edgy irritably nervous or impatient; on edge.