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edition one of a series of printings of the same published work, differing from others in being printed from a distinct typesetting. [3 definitions]
editor a person who prepares written materials for publication or film for viewing. [4 definitions]
editorial an article or commentary, as in a newspaper or on television, that expresses an opinion or viewpoint. [3 definitions]
educate to provide knowledge, training, and guidance to. [4 definitions]
educated having an education. [3 definitions]
education the act or process of learning or educating. [4 definitions]
educational of or relating to education. [2 definitions]
eel any of numerous long, snakelike fishes of fresh water or ocean.
eerie mysterious and frightening; weird.
effect something produced or brought on by something else. [8 definitions]
effective producing an adequate or desired result, or having the power to produce such a result. [2 definitions]
efficient operating or performing in an effective and competent manner, with little waste of effort or resources. [2 definitions]
effluent flowing forth. [3 definitions]
effort the exertion of physical or mental energy. [4 definitions]
egg1 a reproductive cell within the female; ovum. [4 definitions]
egg2 to incite or encourage (some action).
eggplant a plant cultivated for its fruit, or the dark purple fruit itself, which is eaten as a vegetable. Some eggplants are ovoid in shape; others are somewhat tubular.
ego the self, as distinguished from other persons and the external world. [5 definitions]
egocentric regarding oneself as the subject, object, and standard of all things. [3 definitions]
egret any of several usu. white herons that grow long, drooping plumes in breeding season. [2 definitions]
Egypt a North African country on the Mediterranean and Red Seas; Arab Republic of Egypt.