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enable to give means or power to; make able; allow; authorize. [2 definitions]
enact to make into a law. [2 definitions]
enamel a glossy, usu. opaque coating fused by heat to metal, glass, pottery, or other surfaces for protection or decoration, or objects so coated. [5 definitions]
-ence state, condition, or quality. [2 definitions]
enchant to put under a magic spell, or as if under a magic spell; bewitch. [2 definitions]
enchanting charming, fascinating, or bewitching.
enchantment a magic incantation, charm, or spell, or an instance of casting such. [3 definitions]
encircle to form a circle around; surround.
enclose to close in or shut in, as with walls or a container. [3 definitions]
enclosure something that surrounds an area of land, such as a fence or wall, or the land so surrounded. [3 definitions]
encompass to surround or enclose. [2 definitions]
encore once more; again (as a call by an audience for a continuation of a performance). [3 definitions]
encounter to meet or come upon, esp. suddenly or by chance. [6 definitions]
encourage to arouse feelings of hope or courage in; give confidence to; hearten. [4 definitions]
encouragement the act of encouraging or condition of being encouraged. [2 definitions]
encouraging arousing feelings of hope or courage. [2 definitions]
encyclopedia a book or set of books containing articles on a wide variety of subjects, or on many aspects of one subject, usu. arranged in alphabetical order.
end either extreme point of anything that has length. [18 definitions]
endanger to cause to be exposed to danger. [2 definitions]
endangered exposed to danger. [2 definitions]
endangered species a species of plant or animal that is in danger of becoming extinct.