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Englishwoman a woman who is a native or citizen of England, or a female of English descent.
engrave to cut (a design or lettering) into a hard, flat surface, as by a sharp implement or acid, often for the purpose of making a plate for printing. [4 definitions]
engraving the act, art, or procedure of engraving. [3 definitions]
engross to interest or occupy fully to the exclusion of all else.
engulf to cover or envelop entirely, as in an abyss, fire, or flood.
enhance to heighten, improve, or increase, as in quality, value, attractiveness, or reputation.
enjoy to find pleasure or joy in. [3 definitions]
enjoyable pleasant; entertaining.
enjoyment the act or state of enjoying; pleasure; satisfaction. [3 definitions]
enlarge to increase the size, volume, or amount of; cause to be larger. [5 definitions]
enlargement the act or result of enlarging; increase; expansion. [3 definitions]
enlighten to provide with previously lacking insight, information, or knowledge.
enlist to volunteer or sign up to serve, as in the military or in some cause. [2 definitions]
enormous extremely large in size, quantity, or extent; huge; immense.
enough adequate to satisfy a requirement or need; sufficient. [6 definitions]
enquire variant of inquire.
enrage to cause to be extremely angry; infuriate.
enrich to increase the wealth of. [4 definitions]
enroll to enlist or sign up (someone) officially. [3 definitions]
enrollment the act or process of enrolling, or the condition of being enrolled. [2 definitions]
en route during the journey; on or along the way.