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enter to come or go in. [11 definitions]
enterprise an undertaking, esp. one characterized by complexity, risk, or wide scope; venture. [3 definitions]
enterprising bold, energetic, and full of initiative.
entertain to occupy pleasantly; amuse. [5 definitions]
entertainer one who entertains by performance, such as an actress or comedian. [2 definitions]
entertainment something that provides pleasant diversion or amusement. [3 definitions]
enthrall to hold the complete attention of; fascinate. [2 definitions]
enthusiasm intense interest or excitement concerning; zeal. [2 definitions]
enthusiastic having or showing enthusiasm.
entire containing all parts or components; whole. [3 definitions]
entirely completely; totally. [2 definitions]
entitle to give a right or legal claim to. [2 definitions]
entrance1 an act or instance of entering. [3 definitions]
entrance2 to inspire a state of delight, trance, or enchantment in; charm; enrapture.
entrant one who enters, as into a contest or an institution.
entreat to beg (someone) for something, or to do something. [3 definitions]
entrée the act or right of entering. [3 definitions]
entrust to assign or hand over to someone, as for care, protection, or execution. [2 definitions]
entry an act or instance of entering; entrance. [7 definitions]
enunciate to pronounce (words), esp. in a clear and distinct voice. [3 definitions]
envelop to cover, wrap, enclose, or surround.