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envy the desire for someone else's possessions, advantages, or qualities, or the feeling of resentment or unhappiness that accompanies this feeling. [4 definitions]
enzyme any of a large number of proteins that act as catalysts for chemical reactions within living things.
eon in geology, the longest division of time, encompassing two or more eras. [2 definitions]
epic referring or pertaining to a long poem that celebrates a hero or heroes and recounts their deeds in a grand style. [5 definitions]
epicenter the point on the earth's surface directly above the central source of an earthquake.
epidemic spreading rapidly to a great many individuals in a locality, as a contagious disease. [4 definitions]
epilepsy a nervous system disorder that causes repeated lapses in physical or mental function, often including convulsions and unconsciousness.
episode a single incident or event, or a related group of these, making up a segment in a life or a long narrative. [3 definitions]
epoch a distinct or notable period in human history. [3 definitions]
equal of or having the same value, measure, or quantity as something else. [6 definitions]
equality the condition, fact, or defined state of being equal, of being the same in value, measure, or amount.
equally in an equal or like manner. [2 definitions]
equation the act of equating. [4 definitions]
equator the imaginary circle around the earth's globe equidistant from both the North and South Poles. [2 definitions]
equatorial of, relating to, near, or on any equator. [3 definitions]
Equatorial Guinea a small country near the equator on the west central coast of Africa, between Gabon and Cameroon.
equestrian of or concerning horseback riding or horsemanship. [3 definitions]
equilateral having all the sides or faces equal. [2 definitions]
equilibrium a state in which all acting forces cancel each other to create balance or stability. [3 definitions]
equinox either of the two times during the year when the sun crosses the earth's equator so that day and night are of equal duration worldwide, occurring in March and September.
equip to furnish with necessary tools or means to accomplish a task. [2 definitions]