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evening the period between late afternoon and nightfall. [4 definitions]
event a distinct happening or occurrence; something that takes place. [4 definitions]
eventual happening in the end after an indefinite amount of time.
eventually at an indefinite time in the future; ultimately; finally.
ever at some time; at any time. [3 definitions]
everglade a tract of swampland, esp. in Florida, having interlaced waterways and usu. dense stands of tall marsh grasses.
evergreen of trees, shrubs, and the like, having leaves that remain green throughout the year. (Cf. deciduous.) [3 definitions]
everlasting enduring forever; eternal; endless. [7 definitions]
every being each and all constituents of a group. [2 definitions]
everybody each and all persons; every person.
everyday pertaining to daily occurrences or routine matters. [2 definitions]
every now and then on some occasions, but not frequently or regularly; occasionally.
every once in a while from time to time; occasionally.
everyone each and every person; everybody.
every other each alternate; every second (one).
every so often from time to time; occasionally.
everything every part; all. [3 definitions]
everywhere in every place; in all places.
evict to remove (a tenant or the like) from a premises by legal procedure. [2 definitions]
evidence the basis for belief; that which constitutes proof of something. [5 definitions]
evident clear; manifest; obvious.