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exempt to release from an obligation generally required of others. [3 definitions]
exercise mental or physical activity undertaken to maintain or increase ability or strength. [10 definitions]
exert to exercise or bring to bear (power, influence, or the like); put into action. [2 definitions]
exhale to breathe out; emit breath or vapor. [4 definitions]
exhaust to consume all of; use up. [11 definitions]
exhaustion the act of exhausting, or state of being exhausted. [2 definitions]
exhibit to expose for viewing or inspection; present; show. [8 definitions]
exhibition an act of exhibiting, or that which is exhibited. [2 definitions]
exhilarate to invigorate or stimulate greatly. [2 definitions]
exile prolonged separation from one's country, home, or loved ones. [6 definitions]
exist to have being or reality. [3 definitions]
existence the state of having being or reality. [4 definitions]
existing already in existence.
exit a way out. [7 definitions]
exodus a departure, usu. of a great number of people. [3 definitions]
exotic having a foreign origin or character. [3 definitions]
expand to make larger or more extensive. [5 definitions]
expanse a wide and open area, as of landscape; that which is of wide extent. [2 definitions]
expansion the act or process of expanding, or the state of being expanded. [3 definitions]
expect to hope for or look forward to with some reason to believe in fulfillment. [6 definitions]
expectation the act or state of waiting for or looking forward to. [4 definitions]