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expel to put or drive out forcibly. [2 definitions]
expenditure the act of paying out or expending. [2 definitions]
expense something given or paid out, such as money, effort, or time, esp. in return for something else; cost. [4 definitions]
expensive costing a relatively large amount of money, time, or effort; costly. [2 definitions]
experience a particular situation or event that one has encountered or lived through. [6 definitions]
experienced wise or knowledgeable as a result of accumulating experience.
experiment a test or trial to discover something unknown, esp. a scientific one to test a hypothesis. [3 definitions]
experimental of or related to a test, trial, or experiment. [2 definitions]
expert one who is very skilled in or knowledgeable about a particular thing. [3 definitions]
expertise expert knowledge or skill; expertness.
expiration a coming to formal termination, as in the case of a contract, license, or the like. [2 definitions]
expire to reach the end of a fixed term, as a permit, subscription, warranty, or membership. [4 definitions]
explain to make clear in speech or writing; make plain or understandable by analysis or description. [5 definitions]
explain away to minimize or negate the importance of by explaining.
explanation the act, process, or result of explaining. [3 definitions]
explicit stated fully, clearly, and without equivocation. [4 definitions]
explode to release energy forcefully with noise, heat, and the violent expansion of gases, because of rapid chemical change or sudden violent impact. [7 definitions]
exploit1 a deed of daring or spirit; feat.
exploit2 to turn to advantage or profit. [2 definitions]
exploration the act or an instance of exploring; inquiry; examination. [2 definitions]
explore to travel across or through for the purpose of discovery or investigation. [4 definitions]