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fa in music, the syllable used to denote the fourth tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [2 definitions]
fable a short tale that teaches a moral lesson, often having animals as the main characters. [4 definitions]
fabric cloth made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibers. [3 definitions]
fabulous almost beyond belief; astounding. [3 definitions]
face the part of the head that extends from the forehead to the chin and from ear to ear. [11 definitions]
facet one of the small, flat, polished faces of a cut gemstone. [4 definitions]
face to face in the presence of each other; in person.
face up to to admit the existence of. [2 definitions]
facial of or pertaining to the face. [2 definitions]
facilitate to make less difficult; help in progress.
facility a place planned or constructed for a specific activity. [3 definitions]
facsimile an exact copy or duplicate, as of something printed or pictorial; reproduction. [2 definitions]
fact something known or proved to be true, or established in law to be true. [4 definitions]
factor something that has an influence on or is a partial cause of something that happens. [4 definitions]
factory a building or set of buildings where products are manufactured.
factual of or relating to fact. [2 definitions]
faculty capacity or ability, as to do a certain task or to think in a certain way. [3 definitions]
fad a fashion or behavior taken up briefly but enthusiastically; craze.
fade to lose color or brightness gradually; dim. [6 definitions]
Fahrenheit of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water. (abbr.: F)
fail to be or become ineffective or unsuccessful; be lacking in an effort or attempt. [10 definitions]